The creator of the Telegram messaging app, one of the most popular apps in the world, has been arrested in France after landing. The charges are related to encrypted messages being used by criminals. Telegram offers end-to-end encryption to its users, meaning third parties
Read MoreNvidia, one of the leading graphics chip producers in the world, has been raided by French police over alleged monopolistic practises. Nvidia
Google is currently on trial over monopolistic practices. Amazon is also currently facing the Federal Government in court over its own practices.
The Federal Trade Commission is launching its lawsuits against Amazon. A total of 17 states are joining in the suit against the
Chat GPT, the leading all purpose Open AI app, is being sued by top book authors. They claim that Open AI is
Google is facing a major anti-trust trial in federal court. This is the first major antitrust case since Microsoft’s trial in 2001.
The American worker is terrified of what Artificial Intelligence will do to job security. Most expect AI to reduce the number of
5G Home Internet is a booming industry, with T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T all competing to secure market shares. 5G occupies a spot
The EU’s Digital Services Act has gone into force on the continent. It will mandate certain online companies to drastically improve their
Youtube, a Google company, has been continuing to track video data on content made for children. Children’s content remains a major source
PayPal is releasing a new digital currency, PayPal USD. It isn’t just another speculative coin, but a type of currency. PayPal USD