
Mark Zuckerberg Decimates Apple

Mark Zuckerberg released a video review of Apple’s Vision Pro, calmly and politely cutting it down against Meta’s Quest 3. This marks a new front in the competition between Big Tech firms.

The Vision Pro, known mostly for its $3,500 price tag, is more of an overlay of existing apps onto space. The Quest, on the other hand, is more focused on immersive experiences rather than computing. The Verge reports:

Entering the chat is Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who has more at stake than perhaps anyone on earth if Apple does to headsets what the iPhone did to smartphones. In a video posted to his Instagram account on Tuesday, Zuckerberg gives his official verdict on the Vision Pro versus his company’s latest Quest 3 headset: “I don’t just think that Quest is the better value, I think Quest is the better product, period.”

While being filmed by the Quest 3’s video passthrough system in his living room, Zuckerberg highlights the tradeoffs Apple made to get the fanciest display possible into something that can be worn on your head in an acceptable form factor. He says the Quest 3 weighs 120 grams less, making it more comfortable to wear for longer. He also says it allows for greater motion due to its lack of a wired battery pack and wider field of view than the Vision Pro.

Meta has invested heavily into virtual reality, making it a core part of the business, and will likely want to shoot down competition from rival firms. There are also cases of Vision Pro‘s customers getting headaches from the device and returning them. The NY Post says:

“I returned mine today,” one customer wrote on Reddit on Monday. “Extreme headaches (first in decades). I can’t wear [them] more than 10 minutes without extreme discomfort. Feels like a torture session just trying to keep it on. I have no idea how all these streamers can play for hours. After 10 minutes I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack.”

“I unfortunately am also having severe headaches when I wear this for more than 30-45 minutes,” another responded. “This is so devastating as I love everything else about the AVP. I would like to think with continued use I would get used to this but it is too expensive to take that bet past the 14-day return period. I am returning mine today.”

Apple Vision Pro’s will most likely report poor performance compared to Apple’s other devices. Zuckerberg called his Quest device a better value and product, and the data could prove it to be true. Apple will most likely have to redesign their product to make it more useful, entertaining, and cheaper.

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