OpenAI Chief Speaks on Its Use

OpenAI’s COO, Brad Lightcap, has stated that business applications for ChatGPT are not as extensive as some think. Lightcap mentioned that some businesses were attempting to fully modernize thanks to AI, but that the technology was not a silver bullet.

OpenAI has to file many inquieries of businesses who want to reach very ambitious goals. Without proper foundation however, AI technology becomes the purpose of modernization rather than its enabler. Business Insider reports:

OpenAI chief operating officer Brad Lightcap recently explained the — at times unrealistic — expectations companies place on the ChatGPT maker in an interview with CNBC. For Lightcap, the most overhyped aspect of AI is that it can completely transform a business “in one fell swoop.”

”We talk to a lot of companies that come in and they want to kind of hang on us the thing that they’ve wanted to do for a long time — ‘We want to get revenue growth back to 15% year over year,’ or ‘We want to cut X million dollars of cost out of this cost line,'” the exec explained.

AI is also more popular with businesses than with customers. For banking, users tend to place phone calls, as many questions or actions can only be completed by agents rather than bots. The Verge continues:

Some employees in companies that embraced AI early have complained that the first iterations of AI models haven’t exactly made lives easier. A new report from The Information pointed to grumblings from within Morgan Stanley that the chatbot the bank built with OpenAI is not used by its intended audience of wealth managers because people prefer to call a person for information instead. 

In journalism, where publishers have tried using AI to generate news stories or guides to produce more content for less money, some companies have eased off their plans after a couple of hiccupsinvolving insensitive, inane, or inaccurate articles. Not to mention backlash against organizations passing off AI-written content as written by humans

While AI is most likely here to stay, it is simply an outgrowth of the internet and computing rather than a category onto itself.

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