This Device Saved Lives

Apple Watches have been responsable for saving a significant number of people from health problems.

With all sorts of sensors, Apple Watches are now able to monitor blood oxygen, heart beat, and soon glucose level. 9 to 5 Mac has the story :

Apple Watch is equipped with a heart rate monitor and the ability to detect Afib, and sometimes those can lead to lifesaving discoveries. Ahead of World Diabetes Day on November 14, Judith Luebke of Oklahoma, who credits the Apple Watch with saving her life, has shared her story of how the watch helped lead to her diabetes diagnosis two years ago.

Luebke originally attributed the high heart rate notification on her Apple Watch to the stress of recently losing her spouse, but co-workers insisted she go to the hospital to get checked out. That’s when doctors were able to diagnose her with diabetes for the first time. She also had critically high blood sugar levels but didn’t know about her condition.

Beyond controlling for vital signs, watches are also able to call 911 or watch for severe falls. CBS 3 News has another story of a man saved by his Apple Watch:

“I don’t know how long I was out for, but when I woke up, the Apple Watch had basically called 911, the paramedics,” Furman said. “But I could not talk. I sounded like I had a mouth full of marbles. 911 could not understand me, but they had the GPS from the watch, so they knew where I was.”

He explained that, thankfully, his emergency contacts were set up in his device, and he was able to contact his mother, who was then able to inform the 911 operator about her son’s medical condition.

Apple Watches are not considered full medical grade, but their wide distribution makes them useful for healthcare.


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