Chat GPT Sued for This

Chat GPT, the leading all purpose Open AI app, is being sued by top book authors. They claim that Open AI is infringing on their works by training their machine on it.

By training on leading fictional works, Chat GPT makes it possible to prompt the writing of similar stories. In turn, Amazon Kindle has seen a slew of self published works inspired by these. The Hollywood Reporter says:

The leading trade group for authors has entered a legal battle against OpenAI over its human-mimicking chatbot in a case that could decide the legality of using copyrighted works to train AI systems.

The Authors Guild — led by prominent fiction authors including George R.R. Martin, Jonathan Franzen and John Grisham — on Tuesday sued OpenAI, accusing the company of engaging “in a systematic course of mass-scale copyright infringement” to “power their lucrative commercial endeavor.” The proposed class action filed in New York federal court builds upon arguments from creators who have already initiated lawsuits against AI firms that generative AI illegally produces infringing works that directly compete with their creations.

The Authors Guild insists that writers should retain control of their works, only allowing them for AI use if they wish. The Independent quotes:

“It is imperative that we stop this theft in its tracks or we will destroy our incredible literary culture, which feeds many other creative industries in the US,” Authors Guild CEO Mary Rasenberger said in a statement.

“Great books are generally written by those who spend their careers and, indeed, their lives, learning and perfecting their crafts. To preserve our literature, authors must have the ability to control if and how their works are used by generative AI.”

AI writing is seen as a major threat to writers in various industries, including on television. Studios are generally enthused by new technologies that can generate more content. AI continues to be a major economic issue and could only grow.

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