
Here’s What Americans Think of AI

The American worker is terrified of what Artificial Intelligence will do to job security.

Most expect AI to reduce the number of jobs available, while only a small minority see the new technology as a productivity multiplier for them. Fox Business says:

Three-quarters of Americans above the age of 18 expect the job pool will shrink due to artificial intelligence (AI), a study indicates.

A Bentley-Gallup Business in Society Study found the share of American adults predicting AI will reduce “the total number of jobs” in the U.S. in the next decade came in at 75%, Gallup said Wednesday.

Different generations report different concerns about AI. In general, younger workers are more of afraid of being replaced than their older counterparts. This could be due to their greater exposure to it, but also their lesser experience making them easier to replace. Axios has more:

Between the lines: The survey results point to a widening generational gap. Younger workers aged 18-34 are more concerned than their older counterparts that technology will make their jobs obsolete.

The big picture: Technological advances, gargantuan student debt burdens and changing workplaces are changing how Americans think about higher education.

This concern over AI is similar to the deindustrialization problems following NAFTA in the 1990s. Will politicians take precautions to protect peoples’ livelihoods.

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