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Google Chrome Receives Major Changes

Google Chrome will be releasing a major update in the coming weeks.

A key feature included in Chrome’s update will be the integration with Artificial Intelligence. Not only is Google working on its own system, but the browser will be able to plugin to third-party ones as well. CNET reports:

Google is rolling out a handful of updates and a new look for Chrome as it celebrates the web browser’s 15th birthday this month.

Chrome is getting a refreshed design on desktop, including new theme and color options for you to pick from, according to a blog post from Google on Thursday. The browser’s icons are also getting an update “with a focus on legibility.” Google said the new look is based on its Material You design language and better integrates with your other computer settings, so Chrome can adapt to your preference for things like dark and light mode.

Chrome remains the most popular browser. While users tend to stay loyal to browsers, new entrants such as Chrome itself have disrupted market shares in the past. The Street has more:

These days, one web browser rules them all. While Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer (technically) are still around, a majority of the world now turns to Google Chrome when they access the worldwide web. With over 62% market share, Google has become unanimous with its also heavily-used search engine.

It’s not hard to understand why. Google plus Google Chrome pair quite nicely together. Chrome is also looked to as a particularly safe bet when it comes to data and security. Chrome typically flashes a warning before you navigate to a suspicious site and regularly issues software updates to keep it running smoothly. It also stores and keeps your passwords safe and works seamlessly across all Google services; if you use Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, or any of Google’s other offerings, that makes a big difference. And it is typically the fastest.

Unlike Apple and Microsoft, Google continues to eschew clients. Instead, it runs all its applications such as Drive and Gmail from its Chrome browser. Google also receives major benefits when Windows and Mac users use Chrome, as it is able to put its search engine front and center.

READ NEXT: Google Marks Major Anniversary


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