
Musk-Zuckerberg Fight Heats Up

The details for Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg’s fight are taking shape, Reuters reports.

Musk, who initiated the challenge, offered for the fight to be streamed and for all proceeds to go to a military charity.

In response, Zuckerberg upped the ante, saying he was able to fight on the same day. He also poked fun at Twitter/X’s reliability by offering to stream it on his own platforms. Should this event occur, chances are that both Instagram and X will feature it live.

Zuckerberg and Musk each have distinct advantages in the hypothetical fight. The Meta founder is 13 years younger, has been training for longer in martial arts, and is generally leaner. The owner of X, on the other hand, is a full 7 inches taller and has 45 pounds more weight behind him.


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